To be an individual who can stand without judging others is indeed a life most sought after.
Of late, society’s critical eye has progressed to critical voices.
Accusations. Declarations. Misrepresentations.
I remember, during my own fault-finding days, I would make a snap judgment about people and condemn them—without knowing their backstory. What was I thinking?
Then in the aftermath of accusations and condemnation—I would struggle to ask for forgiveness. Yet I found letting go of my critical words and self-condemnation though difficult, was not impossible.
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;” Luke 6:37 ESV
There’s a reason we are counseled not to judge because it snowballs into an abyss of unrighteous thinking towards others—and ourselves.
There’s a reason we are counseled not to judge because it snowballs into an abyss of unrighteous thinking towards others—and ourselves. Share on XA mental reset is needed.
Let it go.
Judge not.
Condemn not.
Forgive others.
Forgive self.
Are you ready?
Let’s journey together
O Lord, help me pause before stepping into a position of judgment I will regret.
Turn my focus toward Your love for others, and help me to forgive instead of condemn.
Help me, Lord, to forgive myself.
Guide my heart, Heavenly Father, that I might glorify You in all areas of my life.
To You be all honor and praise, hallelujah. Amen.
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