When was the last time someone lifted your face?

When a child hears a negative word, his face tilts toward the floor or to the side, more often than not.

As adults, we tilt our faces away from accusers for several reasons.

  • Fear.
  • Guilt.
  • Shame.
  • Distrust.

Perhaps you have experienced these feelings firsthand. I have.

When eye contact is removed, we claim a false sense of safety.                

  • A hoped-for experience.
  • A longing.
  • A desire.
  • A dream.

True safety is experienced only when our faces are gently lifted, and we look into the eyes of someone we trust.

This safety brings about a true sense of claim. 
The vulnerability of eye contact allows an actual awareness that we are seen. 
In repositioning our faces, we can release any fear, guilt, shame, and distrust.

Releasing all of these pent-up feelings is precisely what the Lord does in us.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”  Numbers 6:24-26 ESV

As He lifts His countenance, His face, upon us, our faces are lifted up, and peace is ours.

Oh, what joy it is when my face is lifted to Father.

As friends and family, let us seek to lift faces every day, trusting the Holy Spirit to supply the words and actions we should use.

Whose face will you lift today?

Let’s journey together.

O Lord, You are the lifter of my face. 
You give me peace. 
You calm my fears. 
You are my safe place. My Strong Tower. 
Please help me to speak face-lifting words today.
Give me a righteous attitude, Oh Lord. 
Help me bring glory to You today. Hallelujah. Amen

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