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Walking Fearless

Let’s Journey Together and spend a Moment with Father.

I’m Linda Goldfarb, and I want to encourage and inspire your walk with the Lord. For more encouragement, please visit I’m so glad you’re here.

Fearful or fearless?

Fear is the destroyer of dreams.

Father says, “Fear not.”

Fear casts doubt on our abilities.

Father says, “Be not dismayed.”

Fear shatters trust.

Father says, “Do not worry.”

Fear festers un-forgiveness.

Father says, “Release it.”

Fear stops forward motion.

Father says, “Keep moving.”

This day, we release fear and become fearless in Father.

“Fear not, for I am with you;

Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you,

Yes, I will help you,

I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10 NKJV


Let’s Journey Together.

Praise You, O God, Your provision is true.

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet.

I always find You when I seek You.

Thank You for Your love and peace.

Help me walk in Your way.


Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says. James 1:22

May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father.

Show Notes

2 responses to “Walking Fearless”

  1. Heidi Vertrees says:

    Thank you! Such a precious devotion. Thank you for blessing me and others with it.

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