I’ve never been leaf peeping.

One desire I’d love for Father to fulfill is a roadtrip to experience fall foliage in its finest. There’s something about the visual change of seasons that resonates with my spirit.

It could be the cooler weather associated with the change, which prompts me to snuggle in warm fuzzy blankets while drinking my favorite frothed coffee. And it could be a subtle reminder that life doesn’t remain the same. Change is inevitable.

Yet, every season brings about a renewal. A refreshing of sorts.

As seasons change, hope is renewed in Christ.

A loved one passes and a child is born.

A job is lost and an unexpected opportunity opens.

Hardships hit home and a chance to serve comes our way.

No matter the season, we can be assured of God’s renewing hope in our lives.

We read in His word that seasons will come in their due time. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬).

Everything has a season and we are to be alert to life in order not to miss a single moment. Change may not always be comfortable, yet in its wake hope springs eternal.

What season are you in?

Are you feeling displaced?
Remember all things work for good and the glory of God.

God isn’t sitting you out, He’s repositioning you for His glory.

Let’s journey together.

Praise You, O Lord.
As seasons change Your mercies are revealed, Your hope is made evident.
We all go astray, yet we are not lost to You.
The crook of your staff guides us gently home to once again feel Your warm embrace of love.
Open our eyes, O God.
Reveal to us the delicate details of Your love in all of creation.
Help us to see the hope in change.
Refresh us with Your word.
Renew our minds with Your truth.
Make us anew in Your Spirit.
To You be all glory and honor and praise.
Hallelujah. Amen.

2 responses to “What Season Are You Entering?”

  1. Karisa Moore says:

    Many years ago, a friend introduced me to the concept that some friends are only for a season. That has stuck with me as friends move away and circumstances change. I am learning to love deeply and hold loosely.

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