How does your day begin?

I wake early.
Say a prayer of thanksgiving.
Prepare my cuppa frothed coffee.
Settle in for my time with the Lord.
Breathe in deep and sit in His presence.

As I ponder the Lord’s words, thoughts rise up and are satisfied by His promises.

Life changes in a moment.

“Mighty God, You are sovereign and I trust in You.”

Tomorrow is full of uncertainty.

“Abba Daddy, Your way is true and I depend on You.”

Answers seem distant.

“Lord, You are faithful and I feel You near.”

I’m reminded in 2 Samuel 7:22 NLT, that our God is supreme.
He is the Lord of my life and He alone is the All Mighty.
“How great You are, O Sovereign LORD!”

What thoughts rise up in you that Father’s promises satisfy?

Let’s stay real together.

O God, help me remember, that You are sovereign.
All things are under You.
All things are subject to Your mercy.
Increase the overflow of my heart with the peace that passes all understanding of man.
Keep me on Your path that I may walk in Your way.
Create in me a love for all that You love.
Remind me daily, how great You are.
Hallelujah. Amen.

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