What amazes you about God’s love?

I’m contemplating the amazing characteristics of God’s love and finding Him to be my all-in-all. How about you? Let’s declare together the how, when, and why of God’s love for us.

Let us stand amazed at—how—God loves us.

  • He loves us through our friends.
  • He loves us through our children.
  • He loves us through our spouses.
  • He loves us through strangers.

The love of God is better than life.

Let us stand amazed at—when—God loves us.

  • He loves us when we’re unlovable.
  • He loves us when we fail.
  • He loves us when we hurt.
  • He loves us when we laugh.
  • He loves us always.

The love of God is better than life.

Let us stand amazed at—why—God loves us.

  • He loves us because He created us.
  • He loves us because we are His beloved children.
  • He loves us because He values us.
  • He loves us because we are His.

The love of God is better than life.

Psalm 63:2-4 gives us a glimpse of how David considered the love of God.

“I have seen You in the sanctuary and beheld Your power and Your glory. Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You. I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands” (Psalm‬ ‭63:2-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬).

What other ways have you experienced the how, when, and why of God’s love?

Leave me a comment. I’d love to know you better.

Let’s journey together.

Abba Daddy, we lift our hands to You.
We praise You, O Lord, for we are wonderfully made.
We worship You, for You alone deserve our praises.
You are amazing, God.
Your power moves mountains, and Your love heals our brokenness.
There’s nothing in this life that compares to Your love.
Use us, Lord.
Set our feet on Your path so that others may see You and know You because of who You are in us.
Hallelujah! Amen.

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