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Welcome to Let’s Journey Together- a Moment with Father. I’m Linda Goldfarb.

Are you ready for life’s ultimate surprise?

The other morning, Sam reminded me, as he does most mornings of late, “We live a blessed life.”

Sure, our cars have repair issues, the well needs occasional work, the unexpected bill pops up, too much rain, too little rain. We have amazing family and friends, and we experience soulmate time together as we travel on the road . . . Indeed, our life is blessed.

And what about the big surprises? The good and not so much?

“God is sovereign.”
No. Matter. What.
God is sovereign.
My heart is breaking—and God is sovereign.
I can’t stop the emotional flooding—and God is sovereign.
A precious young life is cut short on this side of glory—and, God. Is. Sovereign.

My heart is drawn to a moment of remembering. A moment to consider the life of Kayla Elizabeth Harris. 13 years young and a lover of Jesus Christ. Truly.

Kayla’s momma, Kelly, and I have had many talks over the years about Kayla’s faith. Genuine. I know Jesus. Faith. And remembering the moment of loss, the unexpected surprise that resulted in Kayla breathing her last breath here… during this big surprise, there is also a deep joy that passes all understanding.

I pray for every parent to have the assurance of Heaven for their child, as has been given to Kelly and her husband, Dustin.

“Momma, I know where I’ll be when I die. I’ll be with Jesus,” Kayla said.

The hope of every Christian parent is to hear those words from their child.

There is no preparation for surprises of this extent in our lives. Yet, as Kelly shared with Kayla and continues to share with her daughter Haley, we, too, by sharing the love of Christ daily, moment-by-moment with our children, our children’s children, nieces, nephews, friends, and family, can be assured that we have removed any doubt who we trust with our future and with theirs. In this way, young lives will see the work of God in and through our lives.

And as we trust, they trust.
As we walk, they follow.
As Christ is seen in our lives, our loved ones will seek Him and find Him.

Then, the ultimate surprise will fill us with joy beyond measure—that moment we are with them again in glory. Are you ready?

Let’s journey together 

Heavenly Father, You are faithful in all ways. You fill me with truth from Your word to encourage me, equip me, and engage with me. Thank You, for hugging me through friends and family when life’s surprises come. Thank You, for the memories of laughter, giggles, and the “oh, no, you didn’t,” moments. I trust You with my loved ones as I trust You with my life. According to Isaiah 57:1-2, I know many of Your righteous are taken up early, and though we can’t understand why, it saves them from calamity, and I am grateful. Fill me with a peace that only You can provide through Your Spirit. Help me walk through difficult times with a high heart, though tears may fall. To Your glory and honor, hallelujah.

Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says. James 1:22

May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father.

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