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Welcome to Let’s Journey Together- a Moment with Father.

I’m Linda Goldfarb, and I want to encourage and inspire your walk with the Lord. For more encouragement, please visit Linda

I’m so glad you’re here.

Can true peace be found?

As we awaken to a new dawn, may our hearts be reminded from Whom we are sent out.

For many years I tried to maintain a peaceful spirit. You know,

be anxious for nothing, do the right thing, say the right words, treat people fairly, smile even if you’re broken inside, and yet, all I accomplished was fleeting moments of visual peace, while inside, I remained—unsettled.

Truth is, it’s not “man” who rules our lives. It’s not “self” that maintains the balance.

It is indeed the power of Him Who created us that brings about the peace we so desperately desire.

The power of our Creator brings the peace we so desperately desire. Take a listen. Share on X

As we read in Colossians 3:15, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

We are drawn to desire peace. His peace… true shalom. That’s why we struggle when we don’t have it.

Shalom is not merely a calmness of spirit, it’s a calmness in the depth of our souls. A spiritual countenance we are unable to attain or maintain on our own—thus, our need for the Holy Spirit.

In Him, we can live with life-satisfying peace every day.

My friend, if shalom is what you desire, then now, right now, seek the Peacemaker, for He alone can satisfy.

Troubles will come.
But troubles will not crush our spirit.
Seek out the Lord this day.
Call aloud His name. Yeshua.

Let’s journey together.

O God, my God, holy is Your name. You are the maker and perfecter of my faith. Let my heart seek You with an unending drive. Quench my thirst. Give me shalom. To You alone be all glory and honor, and praise. Hallelujah.

Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves, do what it says. James 1:22

May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father.

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