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Welcome… to Let’s Journey Together- a Moment with Father.

I’m Linda Goldfarb, and I want to encourage and inspire your walk with the Lord. For more encouragement, please visit I’m so glad you’re here.

Do you believe in God’s possibilities?

I’ve witnessed moments of spiritual ahas throughout my faith walk, and most have risen during times of trouble.

No matter our struggle

—no matter the darkness surrounding us

—no matter that friends turn their backs or strangers shun our presence

God is in control. No. Matter. What.

—He is mindful of the intricacies of nature.

—He is mindful of you and me.

He sees you.

He loves you.

He hurts for you.

He sees what you cannot.

He is preparing for your future —for you see, nothing is impossible with God!

Mary, a virgin, gave birth to our Savior Yeshua.

Elizabeth, who was barren, gave birth to John the Baptist.

Before this came to be, the angel Gabriel said, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 ESV

God makes a way where there seems to be no way.

God brings brightness into a dreary day, a happy thought into a somber moment. Consideration of hope where there was none. He does these things and so much more. Consistently. Continuously. Courageously.

For you and for me.

Let’s Journey together

O Lord, open my eyes to who You are. Create in me so great a love for You that nothing else compares to who You are. Remind me that I am Yours, and You are always here for those who love You. Increase my mindfulness of You in my day-to-day. I trust You, O God, for nothing is impossible for You. Hallelujah.

Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says. James 1:22

May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father.

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