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Welcome to Let’s Journey Together- a Moment with Father.

I’m Linda Goldfarb, and I want to encourage and inspire your walk with the Lord. For more encouragement, please visit Linda I’m so glad you’re here.

The fullness of God’s love is at hand.

The thought of God’s love not reaching me today makes me weep. For so long, I desired to love others as God loves me. Yet, I found it difficult to love myself and figured God felt the same about me. Disappointed. Ashamed. Discouraged.

In reading 1 John, I discovered a deeper consideration of His love.

“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth” (3:18 ESV).

As a child of God, I wasn’t being open with Him. 

Staying real. Vulnerable. Transparent.

I’d say one thing, “I really want to be involved in community outreach,” but my actions told a different story. My life was busy. Filled to overflowing with activities focused on making income or expanding my reach instead of actually reaching into my community.

“Father, help me be a vessel for your glory.”

I began writing my thoughts, words of truth, encouragement, and equipping to my online community. At first, I fought for the amount of time it took. Some days, I would write and rewrite for a couple of hours before posting. Creating that perfect pic to go with the post. I’d change the pic several times, not satisfied, yet knowing I needed to press–post.

During an early morning with Abba, curled up on my couch, I felt the Spirit impress on my heart. Be open to My love, stop seeking perfection, I will show you My will, way, and timing for your writing.

A salty realization jarred me as I wiped a tear from my upper lip. Had I been going through my day without Father’s love? Was I more concerned with getting what I wanted to say out instead of relying on His love to lead me? More tears.

How does the thought of experiencing the fullness of God’s love make you feel?

Like me, have you found yourself rushing to get something completed instead of relaxing as Father’s love guides you in His timing?

As a child sitting on Papa’s lap (One of my favorite places to be), you too can do this. Take a moment right now. Ask Him to lead you in your day as He loves you. Fully.

God is love. Our life is a portion of His love that others can experience.

Apart from Him, we cannot experience the fullness of Love. Neither will those around us. Join me and embrace God’s agenda today as we open our hearts to His love.

Let’s journey together 

Oh, Lord, fill me with Your mercy, grace, and love this day. Praise You, Mighty One, who sits on high. Praise You Lord. You know me by name. Open my heart, Father. Help me to know You more and to walk in Your love. Help me to be real. Transparent. Vulnerable without fear. Love doesn’t exist without struggles.  Yet, in Your shadow, in Your strength, I can overcome. I am set free to walk in the fullness of Your love, for all to see —to Your glory. Hallelujah.

Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says. James 1:22

May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father.

4 responses to “The Fullness of God’s Love is at Hand”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Good morning: good comments for today. My daily devotionals have been “stepping outside your box.” Again, good timing.

  2. Michelle Davis from inner circle says:

    Loved your encouraging devotional today. Been busier than normal lately and it’s good to stop take a breath and remember that being in the center of His Love and will makes for a more harmonious outcome every time. Isaiah 30:21. If you go the wrong way to the right or to the left,you will hear a voice behind you saying,”This is the right way ,walk in it.

    • Amen, Michelle. There are times when my busy-ness takes me off track and I must remember to get back on His path and “walk in it.” Thank you for stopping by, your words are an encouragement to me.

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