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Welcome to Let’s Journey Together- a Moment with Father.

I’m Linda Goldfarb, and I want to encourage and inspire your walk with the Lord. For more encouragement, please visit Linda I’m so glad you’re here.

Walking in God’s will is a learning process.

Having a teachable spirit, a willingness to trust, tenacity to persevere, and an ability to fail well is part of the process.

Being teachable means we are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

A willingness to trust means that, though we may not understand a situation, we believe God has our backs.

Tenacity to persevere means we stick to our mission, no matter what.

The ability to fail well reminds us that we will fail—we will, every one of us. Yet, after the fall of failure, we get back up, dust off the disappointment, and keep going.

We read in Psalm 143: 10

“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

God’s Spirit helps us get back up and points us in the direction we need to go.

Though no one said it would be easy, we stand on level ground with God’s guidance, even when life is out of balance.

Let’s journey together

Praise, You, O Lord. Your grace covers me even when I turn from Your will. Help me to be steadfast. Help me to be obedient and teachable. I desire to remain in You. I submit my will to Yours. In Jesus’ name. Hallelujah

Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says. James 1:22

May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father.

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