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What Are Your Thoughts About the Book of Revelation?
Let’s Journey Together and spend a midweek moment with Father.
I’m Linda Goldfarb, and I want to encourage and inspire you in your walk with the Lord. For more encouragement, please visit I’m so glad you’re here.
The book of Revelation can be a difficult pill to swallow.
The thought of so many being tormented. So many dying. We can get caught up in the visuals of these passages and miss the bottom line. And those who do not follow Yeshua will suffer greatly to the extent of eternal separation from YHWH.
For those who follow Jesus, the story has not ended—yet.
You and I still have time to share the gospel with those who do not yet know Him.
I believe that’s why we are told to read Revelation. Not to fear what’s coming, but to prepare our hearts, words, and deeds to influence those YHWH has placed in our paths with Truth.
We are told the path to heaven is narrow.
Narrow by whose standards? Let us not neglect the sharing of Truth, thinking only a “small” group of people will enter eternal glory, so why bother? Instead, let us remember that YHWH measures time differently than we do; therefore, His concept of “narrow” time may be different from ours.
Let us run with abandon, sharing the Gospel of Yeshua with everyone, and squeeze through the gate together. Oh, that we might enter the narrow gate side-by-side.
Blessings and Shalom to you and your families.
Let’s journey together
Father, fill me with a deep passion for sharing the truth about Your Son, Jesus Christ, with everyone I know.
Remove barriers that silence my sharing.
Open my eyes to see the hearts of Your children from Your perspective, that I may care for them as You do.
Let not a day go by with missed opportunities to talk about Your love and mercy.
Guide my path to those who are ready to receive the truth that transforms for eternity.
To You, O Lord, be all glory, and honor, and praise.
Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says. James 1:22
May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father
I turn to Revelation often for it’s the only book promising the reader blessing. Could that blessing be the passion to speak and live the Gospel until we enter into the joys that wait? It reminds me of the power, wisdom, and love of the Lord. He hasn’t changed from Genesis to the end of the Book. He is our constant. You didn’t ask for another book so I’ll stop here.
Your words are an encouragement and blessing, Donna. Thank you.
This is an important message for the church in this hour. Pray for the resilience of believers and for the ability, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to snatch some out of the fire.
The message that I hear loud and clear when I read revelation is that Jesus takes us back when we return to him. “Return to your first Love” Even to the end His mercy reaches out to us.
Amen and amen, Michelle.