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Welcome to Let’s Journey Together- a Moment with Father.

I’m Linda Goldfarb, and I want to encourage and inspire your walk with the Lord. For more encouragement, please visit Linda

I’m so glad you’re here.

What disrupts your faith?

I consider trials, tribulations, and travesties as storms in our lives, yet, the storm of disbelief may be the most dangerous.

Trials, tribulations, and travesties occur in the lives of everyone we know.

They occur out in the open.
No one is immune.
Yet, the storm of disbelief is cunning and subtle.

Disbelief is a silent wedge of doubt the enemy uses to disrupt our faith, just enough to cause us to question our relationship with God.

Disbelief blows in under our spiritual radar in the form of tainted thoughts.

“Did He really say that?”
“Are you completely sure the Bible is truth?”
“You’re supposed to have a happy, wonderful life, right?”
“How could Jesus love you?”

Disbelief lures us away from Truth.
At the exact moment, we need Truth the most.

Thomas doubted that Jesus had risen from the tomb. He wanted proof, saying when he saw the pierced hands of Christ, he would believe. Then the Lord appeared, showed him His nail-scarred hands and then Thomas fell back into belief.

“Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed’” (John 20:29 ESV).

Hold tight to your faith, my brother and sister, for in the midst of every storm, God is there—and you will find Him faithful.

Hold tight to your faith, for in the midst of every storm God is faithful. Share on X
Do you need to fall back into faith?

If you’re experiencing storms of life, that are threatening to take away your peace that passes all understanding.

Then take a moment to consider God’s faithfulness in your life. Write down the times you recall God’s faithfulness and trust that He will continue to be ever-present in your storms.

Let’s journey together. 

Lord, help me seek You in all situations. To lean on Your strength when mine falters. You are faithful to provide all I need. Thank You for forgiving me when I doubt and loving me in and through every storm. Praise You, Lord.

Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves, do what it says. James 1:22

May YHWH bless you, keep you, and guide you in all you do. Until next time, this is Linda Goldfarb, and I’m so glad we are on this journey together with Father.

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